From Meditation Garden to Sukhavati Garden

From Meditation Garden to Sukhavati Garden Dear Friends, We haven’t shared anything on this site for some time. Nevertheless, Dhagpo’s other channels of communication have brought you the notable information. Here is a summary of the last few months as well as some...

Mantra rolls for the eight stupas and the arrival of Lama Jampa

Mantra rolls for the eight stupas and the arrival of Lama Jampa This summer, two of Dhagpo’s dormitories—left unoccupied due to current public health measures—have found a new use: they are hosting mantra rolling workshops! Those close to the center, many course...

The Prayer Wheel: A story of Sanghas

The Prayer Wheel: A story of Sanghas Just before Dhagpo, like the rest of France, entered into a new lockdown, we were fortunate to receive the large prayer wheel that will stand in the pavilion of the meditation garden. Here is its story that stretches across Europe...

Autumn Plantings | In pictures

Autumn Plantings | In pictures Planting for the Meditation Garden began in mid-September. Close to one thousand plants of over forty different varieties will adorn the natural area behind the Institute. In some zones of the garden, newly seeded grass is already...

The Eight Stupas: Eight Steps in Shakyamuni Buddha’s Life

The Eight Stupas: Eight Steps in Shakyamuni Buddha’s Life In Astamahasthanacaitya-stotras, the Indian master Nagarjuna associates the eight stupas with the four principle pilgrimage sites—the Buddha’s birth in Lumbini, his enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, his first...